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Stressed Woman

      Anxiety & Depression

Acupuncture serves as a phenomenal treatment for mental-emotional imbalances, whether
clinical or situational.  It is a safe, effective, non- invasive approach that can be safely combined with SSRI’s and anti-anxiety medications. Herbs and supplements are also valuable adjuncts when appropriate.

      Mood Issues and Stress

Stress can cause a wide array of effects on our bodies, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.  
We manifest our stress in differently throughout the body in a variety of symptoms such
as digestive disorders, pain, muscle aches, cognitive acuity , headaches, sleeplessness, depressed mood, 
anger and irritability. 

TCM can alleviate stress symptoms by releasing endorphins, the body’s own natural painkillers,thus improving the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids, which brings fresh
oxygen to body's tissues, muscles, heart and brain.  This increased oxygen flow eliminates
waste products from inside the body and enhances recovery from diseases. Chinese medicine
decreases the stress hormone cortisol, lowers blood pressure, reduces heart rate and
relaxes muscle tissue.

       Sleep Disorders

Lack of sleep can  affect our energy, mood, mental concentration and overall health. Prolong lack of sleep  can lead to  chronic disease  such as  adrenal fatigue, anxiety,
stress, hormonal imbalance and cognitive deficiencies. TCM's combination of
acupuncture, chinese herbs, mediation and other TCM techniques is very effective in calming mind, relaxing nervous system,  nourishing the heart for a deeper restful sleep.  

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